How is it possible to identify the traits in oneself that are based on either assistance or intrusion? The ethical nature of each act that one undertakes can generally be agreed upon and discerned by the populace as an act of assistance or intrusion. Aside from this, the general nature of an act may be clear to an individual consciousness, but the interest or value in undertaking ethical acts of assistance may not be clearly apprehended. In understanding assistentiology, the role that the clarification task imparts must be understood as well. In most cases, experiential data will clarify for a consciousness the value of undertaking acts of ethical or assistential nature. In my case, plant consciousness (ayahuasca) has aided my understanding of the value and balance maintainence involved in ethical normality. This is kept in mind that one must avoid toxico mania and the use of crutches, but according to personal experience and with the interest of honest reporting, the plant consciousness of ayahuasca (dmt) has imparted positive ethical notions (sidenote).
To summarize: Discerning assistential tasks from intrusive tasks are essential to assistentiology. Clarifying the value of undertaking assistential tasks is also of importance.
When does one know when to assist and when to stop? When an act of assistance is carried out to the point of exhaustion or if one is in danger of causing harm to oneself, the nature of the task has changed.